

Phone:  (231) 357-5822


Business hours

Weekdays: 9:00a – 4:00p

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed


We are an in-home concierge healthcare business located in Northern Michigan servicing the following areas: Emmet, Charlevoix, Antrim, Kalkaska, Wexford, Misaukee, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Leelanau and Manistee.


No, our provider has opted out of insurance to avoid interference with the client-provider relationship. All visits are covered by the monthly fee but any services completed outside of Waterfront Wellness can be billed to insurance, such as lab testing or xrays.

 Everything you can expect from a VIP concierge service: All provider visits at your location, unparalleled direct access to your provider via phone call, email, or text, and free lab draws in the home.

Our service region covers 10 Counties: Grand Traverse, Leelanau, Kalkaska, Benzie, Antrim, Charlevoix, Missaukee, Emmet, Manistee, & Wexford.

At this time introductory rates are affordable and set per client. Have a large family, interest in an exclusive practitioner for your business, or have a unique situation… please give us a call and we can discuss your individual needs directly!

 You will receive member access, once your contract is signed, directly from your provider. This will be in the form of a private, member only, phone number.

Work-life balance is important. Your provider will notify you of their availability and will have coverage provided by another provider in their absence to ensure seamless transition of care should you need something when your provider is away.

Currently our practice has one provider and a medical director with the intent to add additional providers when the census requires. The goal is a small patient census per provider to ensure availability for visits and to meet client’s needs with a one-on-one, high-quality focus.

Each client will have a discussion with their provider to develop an individualized plan to set and meet wellness goals. Your monthly membership fee covers any and all visits. The length of time is typically 45-90 minutes but may vary depending on the client’s needs.

Health insurance is really intended for catastrophic coverage. You are able to still use your health insurance as usual for blood tests, diagnostics, emergency room visits, severe injuries, hospitalizations, and diagnostic testing It is encouraged that our client’s maintain health insurance coverage for these purposes.

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